
Facebook marketing.

Hi guys. In this video, we will talk about advertising on Facebook, how to attract the client who will work with you in the future. Initially, you will need to create a Facebook page for the enterprise and indicate that it is a company. Let’s turn now to page creation. Choose Create Page. Then, get started. At the field Page Name, we enter the name of the company and select Category. Also, enter the address and click on the Continue button filling all the information in the page and add the main photo.

We have created a page and the next stage is advertising. In order to advertise, you need to record your own video and post it on the page. Upload your video. In the video description, we should write our contact phone number and additional information. Then publish it. Nowadays, Facebook gives you a unique opportunity to advertise your services very cheaply because they want customers to stay. To make an advertising campaign for potential customers, you need to concentrate and understand what you want to sell, what kind of product. You sell the service, you solve the problems of these people. People mostly complained that the dispatcher does not give good shipments, does not call back on calls and so on. It makes waiting for loading and unloading for several days.

I would recommend you to make such an interesting program where you would offer your potential clients for example, a week of free dispatch service. Why exactly will this kind of advertising work? Because first, you give something for free. Second, in order to start working with you, a person must understand who you are and what you can do. In other words, checks you out. Our video has been uploaded and Facebook offers us to run this course for advertising. Click on the button Boost Post. In order to properly show this ad, you must create a target audience. It will show ads in English. Select Men because operators will be men. Age from 25, let’s say till 55 years. We choose men and age.

Next is where you want to show your ads. And we want to show our ads in all of the United States. Here we add locations. We save it, we choose the budget for advertising and how many days it would show. Then click on the button, Boost. Next, we pay for advertising and turn on an advertising campaign. Within a few minutes, you can create advertising campaigns and receive calls from people who are ready to cooperate with you. Thanks for watching, and see you in the next video.

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