In modern warehouses, space saving, conditions of storage and movement of goods are the most important issues. A business owner will not want to pay extra for the area that is not effectively exploited. In warehouses, professionals try to use all the available space, therefore, they optimize the storage area, increasing it due to various rack systems. Because this is a promising direction, it is recommended to pay attention to the courses of truck dispatchers – here you can get all the necessary skills and knowledge for full-fledged work. This article will discuss the basic working conditions of truck dispatchers, principles of constructing processes, the types of equipment used, as well as how to use it.
Freight handling definition

Cargo handling in logistics is a set of measures to prepare inventory items for further loading, transportation, unloading at the final point of the route and their storage. Freight cargo handling implies the performance of such operations as:
- loading of products into a car according to the client’s request for subsequent transportation;
- unpacking / repacking of goods as agreed with you, if the previous container for some reason deteriorated or the goods were not originally packaged and labeled correctly;
- unloading of goods at the warehouse;
- itemized reception of products (in pallets, boxes or by the piece);
- conducting an inventory of your material values in warehouses with sending a detailed report with the results of the check;
- rejection of low-quality products with subsequent removal of the marriage;
- re-labeling and sticking of containers;
- sorting and picking orders;
- transfer goods for safekeeping.
Since it is profitable and will remain so for a long time, so you can study what the courses of truck dispatchers offer. If you need to deliver the goods to several customers at once at different points of unloading, then the company providing these services will independently select a car with the required capacity, calculate a reasonable route and pick up orders at the request of your customers. And during this time you can calmly focus on production, finding new customers and efficient management of warehouse stocks.
What is Cargo Handling
Cargo handling involves the following actions:
- Assembling cargo on a container, wagon, car within the right time and from several suppliers.
- Loading a wagon, container, car in whole or in part, taking into account your requirements.
- Sending cargo to the destination point.
- Acceptance of cargo from various points (both within the state or country, and outside).
- Placement of cargo in the warehouse, reloading into one or several vehicles, delivery of cargo to your clients.
Business owner no longer need to spend money on the purchase and arrangement of a warehouse, rent an office or come to load or unload, buy loading and unloading equipment and pay salaries to storekeepers and security guards. The truck dispatcher service takes care of all questions on terminal handling of goods.
Cargo Handling Services
The main difference between responsible storage and the usual lease of warehouse premises is to ensure the safety and integrity of inventory items. Truck dispatcher service also allows you to get rid of many problems, because it often happens that storage is only a stage in the chain of logistics operations. Modern warehouse complexes of the company have a developed security system, which allows to ensure the safety and integrity of entrusted goods and materials.

The automated resource management system provides full control over the movement of all cargo flows in the warehouse during safe storage of cargo. The truck dispatcher company’s employees have extensive experience in the field of logistics, and an individual approach to each client is the main principle. You no longer need to rent warehouse premises, and the truck dispatcher company takes care of all the issues related to the logistics of goods.
Types of Cargo Handling and Lifting Equipment
Winches are used to move loads vertically and horizontally. Main structural elements: traction drum, braking device, reduction gear, safety device. There are the following types of winches:
- manual;
- electrical;
- drilling;
- traction;
- automobile;
- shunting;
- scraper.
Winches differ in design and purpose. They can have one or more drums.
List of Cargo Handling and Lifting Equipment
For the movement of cargo, special transport is provided, which facilitates the process of loading and moving.
- Pallet truck: Pallet trucks are designed for transportation of non-bulk goods packed in boxes and bags. The main feature of this type of warehouse equipment is that the platform does not have a sheet cover, which greatly facilitates the design of products and significantly reduces the cost.
- Forklift truck: If you need to lift a load weighing 1100 kg, then naturally you need a loader of equal or higher carrying capacity. Forklift truck provides this capacity.
- Side loading: When loading and unloading, it should be possible to open the body from the side of the car.
- Top loading: When loading and unloading, it should be possible to open the body on top of the car for loading cargo using a crane.
- Manipulator: The vehicle must be equipped with a crane with an outreach of at least 8 meters and a lifting capacity at this outreach of at least 1 ton.
- Open car (board): A car with an open body is served for loading (boards only, without awning).
- Top loading: When loading and unloading, it should be possible to open the body on top of the car for loading cargo using a crane.
- Tail lift: The vehicle is equipped with a lifting mechanism (shovel) with a lifting capacity of at least 500 kg.
If you need detailed advice on the types and characteristics of lifting equipment, you can contact the truck dispatcher company’s manager for help. A specialist will help you choose the right model, place and pay for your order. It is easier to outsource these workflows to a specialist company. Professionals will select the necessary equipment, as well as set up all processes in such a way as to optimize your costs and increase profitability. Truck dispatcher courses are a related field of study that will help you enter this profession with a minimal waste of time.