The freight market today is oversaturated with offers from carriers and orders for the delivery of goods. Often, the customer urgently needs to find a car for the delivery of the associated cargo, and the carrier needs to collect a sufficient number of applications for the transportation of the groupage cargo. It is unrealistic to search for offers published in print media. The Internet comes to the rescue in this matter. But even here it is not so easy to find a profitable offer or order at random. Knowledge of special information resources is required.
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:

- Organize and control the work of the company drivers.
- To instruct drivers on the conditions and peculiarities of transportation on certain routes.
- Optimize the transportation process as much as possible.
- Avoid transport downtime in excess of the norm.
- Take into account, check and process waybills, other transport documents.
- Make the necessary calculations in waybills and other documents.
- Prepare operational summaries and reports on the work of the shift.
- Monitor the observance of the traffic regime according to the schedule, take measures to ensure its continuity.
- Control the process of carrying out cargo transportation, loading and unloading operations, the condition of access roads.
- Provide technical assistance to transport on the line, if necessary.
Sites with information about cargo transportation are actively developing on the Internet. These can be specialized sites designed for the transportation of certain groups of goods (for example, transportation of oversized cargo). Sites of a broader profile can be created. The most important thing is that when developing such sites, it became much easier for the customer and the carrier to communicate, and also, it became possible to quickly find an order convenient for both parties.