The Truck Dispatcher Service is a common area of work in the United States. This is due to the fact that many companies strive to deliver their goods as soon as possible at the best price. And in order to optimize this process, special truck dispatch services have been developed that connect drivers with customers. All parties win for just a small percentage – the driver receives a profitable order quickly, the customer dispatches the goods at the best price, and the dispatch service acts as a connecting link for a certain amount. And if you are looking for such a service or are just planning to create it, we recommend that you contact us. Our track dispatcher courses will help you get the goal.
Number Factors To Understand Best Car Transport Service
The choice of the best dispatcher should be based on the following criteria.

Low price for delivery
The price should not differ much from the market price. Tariffs combine the payment for moving the luggage and certain additional actions that contribute to the safe and complete delivery of the package. For this, the most functional transport is selected, in which there will not be a lot of free space and tamping will not be created.
Clear conditions
It is possible to transport any cargo that does not exceed the carrying capacity limit. If the dispatcher tells you unrealistic delivery conditions, then this is a way to doubt. The dispatch service undertakes the following tasks:
- Manual and automatic assignment of tasks to performers.
- Accounting for the standard terms of the production calendar and the current workload of employees.
- Creation of checklists and writing off materials for tasks.
- Formation of work order.
- The ability to set up reminders for the executor about the approaching deadline for the task by email, via SMS or push-notification.
- Reception and storage of voice messages if the line is busy.
- Registration and notification of owners about emergency shutdowns.
- Creation of individual and mass acts of under delivery by type of service.
- Display of operational information on requests, tasks, emergency shutdowns in the form of widgets on the desktop of the MC employee.
Cargo transportation by road is carried out mainly over short distances: intra city transportation, the supply of trade and construction materials.
Convenient route selection
Delivery of the object “to the door” – you have the right to demand that the dispatcher draw up the most comfortable route for you. The dispatcher should control the process of drawing up the route of transport and manage the vehicle fleet. The dispatcher decides how best to distribute a group of customers among the fleet and plan their interaction. The goals of this Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) are to provide a high level of customer service, taking into account time windows, and to keep operating costs for each route at the lowest level. Restrictions are factors affecting the passage of the route, using the available resources in a certain period of time, taking into account the driver’s work shift schedule, driving speed and obligations to customers.
Delivery of small quantities

Transportation in small batches is available – no matter how small your package is, a quality contractor will always meet the customer halfway and find the best solution for him. Complete loads are loads intended for one consignee and occupy the entire space of a truck. That is: if one vehicle is fully equipped (hence the name!) With cargo for one customer, then it performs complex transportation. However, for large consignments of goods, several vehicles can also be used. And quality courses for truck dispatchers teach these skills.
Preservation of packaging
At first glance, there are only three of them: loading at the consignor’s warehouse, unloading at the consignee and, in fact, the road itself. However, there is one more, no less important stage immediately before the start of transportation – preparation of the cargo for shipment.
Loyal requirements for the product packaging of transported items – how the dispatcher monitors the quality of delivery and safety of your cargo is one of the most important selection criteria. There are no exceptions for complete cargo transportation: a modern selection of cars, bodies, trailers and semi-trailers allows you to transport goods of any weight, size, density, hazard class, shelf life, etc.
A few words as a conclusion
The selection of a quality performer is a responsible task. And if you are looking for courses that will provide you with all the necessary skills, then we recommend that you pay attention to ours. We can help you both build a team of excellent truck dispatchers and find one if you need their services.